✨Blessed be!✨
Very excited to start the Dark Magic course.
If we already did the banishing work in week 3 of the PMM course on a condition, is it okay to bring up similar sounding reasons for a goal?
Say in the PMM course, one worked on the condition of needing a home office. Then in this course, their goal is to move to a bigger space with said office... The reason for the condition and the reason for not having achieved the goal might sound the same (ie. income).
So if banishing work was done in the PMM course on the condition being a result of 'an income issue', for example, could or should they use that same reason for not having achieved the goal in the Dark Magic course?
I didn't see a DM forum room, but am hopeful this question could work in either space.
Thank you
Editing for context: I took a look at the first week of the Dark Magic course. This question is about the goals exercise in that course, and the daily spell work in week 3 of PMM. 😊
I'll start a DM forum room... I completely forgot to do that!! I'm not sure I completely understand your question. But if you are asking that if something you were banishing in PMM is still a problem for you, can you use dark magic on it, the answer is yes!!
I'm so happy you are taking the course. I hope you enjoy it!! BB