Merry meet all. I work in an animal shelter and I need a little help. It seems that we have a cursed room. The room is for animals who are being treated for kennel cough/upper respiratory infections or doggy colds. That isn't a big deal shelter environments are like human daycare when one kid get a cold they all do. The problem we are having is the number of dogs coming out of the isolation room and becoming aggressive when they weren't before and in spite of the care and training to prevent the issues. I and co-workers have counted at least 5 or 6 dogs in the last year which to me is concerning. I like to do Angel magic but any spell/talisman needs to be subtle because not everyone believes in angel magic. When we first figured it out, I found some salt and did a quick blessing on the rooms where it was the worse. I know that Angel Gabriel watches over dogs and Raphael rules healing (perfect for the doggy colds) but is there an angel to ask for help in keeping the dogs from going bonkers in the kennels until they are done in treatment and so they can find their forever homes? Any ideas will help and I will be doing my own research and meditation on the problem. Thank you for any ideas or advice, Please know this will be in addition to any meds the vet prescribes and training to help the animals learn how to be good pets. Thank you all
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This is dear to my ❤'s beautiful that you care & love these incredibly beautiful creatures....The energy that's placed in must be a constant I would other words...I wonder if since the room has a "bad rap" do the others that place them there have a loving energy?
You should always keep your Angelic talismans hidden from sight. Raphael is a great angel for animals in general. Michael for cats. Gabriel for dogs.