Hello all,
I just found out someone has been poisoning dogs and wildlife in my neighborhood. Definitely feeling extremely upset and motivated to get to work. I want to do a spell for protection for my animals and all the animals in my area. Anyone have experience with similar spell work? Any thoughts? Was thinking building a thoughtform and programming it for protection. Pretty busy with magical workings during PMM but thinking it sounds like something that might take a chunk of time to build up a thoughtform able to do a big job like that. Anyway, pretty new to thoughtform building so any ideas or suggestions would be welcome. Thank you all! @Ariel Gatoga
She is also related to forests .....in Greece we love Artemis and athena ....Artemis is virgin, productive , related to the sacred nature of the Earth ......
Rae, one of the reasons that I have dedicated myself to Artemis for a year and a day is that she is a protector of animals. I believe Diana is the same or similar energy. I have also been tormented by ongoing stories about cruelty towards animals and it takes a lot for me to get past it. But Artemis helps. She is a warrior goddess of physical strength, integrity, and good boundaries. She enjoys solitude, which is helpful during our pandemic. You might want to talk with her during meditation or ritual and see if the energy resonates with you. Another strategy of mine is to show extra kindness to the animals in my area. And they are responding! I've started taking pictures of the birds that are coming right up to me.
Oh Rae, that's dreadful - bless you x Wish I could help. x
@Rae, You may want to do some Psalm magic: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDi9K2RECQTYir6kj4JjfQvvQXYmcecly