@Israels Fusion It seems I have more to say on the subject... I did a significant amount of work on my own procastinationatory habits (is that a word? I like it :)) so this was my journey.
Firstly unpicking the thoughts and feelings about the Thing was procrastinating about. Was it fear, boredom, over whelm etc? Was it becuase i thought i SHOULD do it based on my or others expectations? Was it because I 'didn't feel like it' - which in itself needed a considerable amount of unpacking - why did i not 'feel like it' etc . Is it because i truly did not want to do it? Were my expectations in thinking i needed to do this Thing actually too high? Was I just tired? Did I need to just rest. Or perhaps it was ok to put it on the back burner. Ask the Still Small Voice - that is where your answer lies - always
Secondly - being aware that procrastinating is an ACTIVE CHOICE. It may not feel like it but it is. So we choose to procrastinate. And we can make a different choice if we wish. If we feel it needs to be done. The reasons for doing it are sound. Everything is chocie and if we decide not to do something we are actively accepting the consequences of that. Knowing it is in our control is very helpful (see Ariel's lecture - Power of Choice )
Thirdly - using tools and tehcnicques as I've sa d in my post above. I use a bullet journal so I schedule tasks over the week - whether mundane ( shopping, cleaning etc), magical (spell work, studying etc) or creative ( writing, painting , drawing etc) so my mind is prepared for the coming week and what I need / want to get done. And I balance all three things.
If it is a Witch's Will activity (ie i have decided it will get done come hell or high water) I put a little witch's hat next to it :) I don't always get everything done for a variety of reasons but it helps enormously and I no longer procrastinate - sometimes I just don't do something but recognise I am actively choosing not to do it for whatever reasons. I am honest with myself about those reasons. And sometimes I only manage to start something which in itself can be a major achievement. Sometimes things do not have to be seen through to the end in one go.
For exmaple I start my tax return in November by getting all the documents , I log on to HMRC website at the end of Nov ( those of you UK based know this in itself used to be a major achivement) do my calculations in December, complete relevant form on website Januury and do a little bit every now and again so by the the I submit at the end of Janaury it is not the stressful task it has been in the past.
And I knew it was stressful so I used to put it off and then when it came to do it last minute it was very ....stressful. What a self fulfilling prophecy that game was.
Finally - be kind to yourself. Know you are doing your best. Sometimes there are days when nothing gets done - accept it is the mind/body saying it is time to rest. Allow this to happen. Review what you do achieve on a regular basis and congratulate yourself for it. Have realistic expectations of what you can and can't do. Do not berate yourself for not doing something - this is truly not helpful - gently ask where the issue is and what needs to be done about it.
I hope some of this is useful - it is my journey and it works very effectively for me - some of it may work for you - good luck BBX
Oh yes, @Ariel Gatoga that was definitely me - procrastinator and perfectionist - then I listened to the Power of Something podcast and my ife changed! Linked to the Witch's Will list from AWP (Building the Fire Body) and procrastination was practially eleminated from my life.
I have the same issue. I am such a perfectionist that I have a fear of failure if I don't do something perfectly right. It is just like with Lesson 1 in the WWP (?) I have not sat down and written what I want out of my life yet and what I want to get rid out of my life yet because I'm afraid of not getting everything covered perfectly. Then I just need to break it down into the immediate small list of three and three and start working from there but I just keep putting it off bc it seems so overwhelming bc I want to get it exactly right.
@Israels Fusion It seems I have more to say on the subject... I did a significant amount of work on my own procastinationatory habits (is that a word? I like it :)) so this was my journey.
Firstly unpicking the thoughts and feelings about the Thing was procrastinating about. Was it fear, boredom, over whelm etc? Was it becuase i thought i SHOULD do it based on my or others expectations? Was it because I 'didn't feel like it' - which in itself needed a considerable amount of unpacking - why did i not 'feel like it' etc . Is it because i truly did not want to do it? Were my expectations in thinking i needed to do this Thing actually too high? Was I just tired? Did I need to just rest. Or perhaps it was ok to put it on the back burner. Ask the Still Small Voice - that is where your answer lies - always
Secondly - being aware that procrastinating is an ACTIVE CHOICE. It may not feel like it but it is. So we choose to procrastinate. And we can make a different choice if we wish. If we feel it needs to be done. The reasons for doing it are sound. Everything is chocie and if we decide not to do something we are actively accepting the consequences of that. Knowing it is in our control is very helpful (see Ariel's lecture - Power of Choice )
Thirdly - using tools and tehcnicques as I've sa d in my post above. I use a bullet journal so I schedule tasks over the week - whether mundane ( shopping, cleaning etc), magical (spell work, studying etc) or creative ( writing, painting , drawing etc) so my mind is prepared for the coming week and what I need / want to get done. And I balance all three things.
If it is a Witch's Will activity (ie i have decided it will get done come hell or high water) I put a little witch's hat next to it :) I don't always get everything done for a variety of reasons but it helps enormously and I no longer procrastinate - sometimes I just don't do something but recognise I am actively choosing not to do it for whatever reasons. I am honest with myself about those reasons. And sometimes I only manage to start something which in itself can be a major achievement. Sometimes things do not have to be seen through to the end in one go.
For exmaple I start my tax return in November by getting all the documents , I log on to HMRC website at the end of Nov ( those of you UK based know this in itself used to be a major achivement) do my calculations in December, complete relevant form on website Januury and do a little bit every now and again so by the the I submit at the end of Janaury it is not the stressful task it has been in the past.
And I knew it was stressful so I used to put it off and then when it came to do it last minute it was very ....stressful. What a self fulfilling prophecy that game was.
Finally - be kind to yourself. Know you are doing your best. Sometimes there are days when nothing gets done - accept it is the mind/body saying it is time to rest. Allow this to happen. Review what you do achieve on a regular basis and congratulate yourself for it. Have realistic expectations of what you can and can't do. Do not berate yourself for not doing something - this is truly not helpful - gently ask where the issue is and what needs to be done about it.
I hope some of this is useful - it is my journey and it works very effectively for me - some of it may work for you - good luck BBX
Oh yes, @Ariel Gatoga that was definitely me - procrastinator and perfectionist - then I listened to the Power of Something podcast and my ife changed! Linked to the Witch's Will list from AWP (Building the Fire Body) and procrastination was practially eleminated from my life.
I have the same issue. I am such a perfectionist that I have a fear of failure if I don't do something perfectly right. It is just like with Lesson 1 in the WWP (?) I have not sat down and written what I want out of my life yet and what I want to get rid out of my life yet because I'm afraid of not getting everything covered perfectly. Then I just need to break it down into the immediate small list of three and three and start working from there but I just keep putting it off bc it seems so overwhelming bc I want to get it exactly right.
Sometimes its perfectionism that causes it. We are afraid of not being perfect so we avoid things all together.
Not sure .... Small portion. Complacency.., fear and there is a root
What do you think the answer is? BB