Merry Meet! I have a quick question you all may or may not be able to provide insight however any feedback is very much appreciated. I have been studying Occult philosophy for a few years now and have participated in A Witches Primer course. I have also been practicing & learning Psalm magik which I am very drawn to. I follow your teachings with the Psalms as well as your talismans. I have also been very sensitive to energies and have educated myself for years now- starting by stumbling upon Abraham Hicks years ago and then finding you. With all of that being said…. every night I pray for the mightiest of the Angels to protect and guard my home and family… last night my 11 year old son heard my bedroom door open further than it already was (he and my husband were on our couch and my daughter and I were laying in my bed about to fall asleep) my son got up and walked into my room stating that he saw a man that opened the door.
This morning my husband woke up and told me he saw a man with dark hair and wearing what appeared as white "shorts" standing our kitchen around 2 am. The energy in my home feels great… nothing dark or negative. What could this “man” they’re seeing be? In your opinion (all opinions and insight welcome and appreciated) could this have something to do with "opening doors" on a different plane to my home? So curious!
You called in an angel.
My mom told me i saw 2 angels when i was 2 years old. She said i saw them as 2 tall blond white men wearing pajamas.
I found out later that angels appear 2 at a time in kabbalism, and God appears in 3s, with 2 assistant angels attending. This is mirrored all over the Bible.
If you called Metatron, also call Sandalphon to make a pair. If you called Mikhael for protection, also call Ariel (the Lion of El) because Mikhael and Ariel rule Fire. Etc, call them in pairs.