I've been working on Psalms 23 (probably my favorite from when I was force fed Christianity). Looking at it with new meanings now. But what is the meaning of dwelling in the house of the lord forever?
The house of the lord can be seen as the body, but we generally don't think we dwell in the body forever? Is this speaking of immortality, and if so in what sense? Could this be a spell for a longer lifespan?
Iam orthodox from Greece.....Here we have that phrase *to become part of Christ s body and part of his internal kingdom*when we commune every Sunday .......Mainly I believe in Christ consciousness , his wisdom and internal presence ....
When a went to bible class that was the reading I had to learn off by heart I was 13
Good for you for working this Psalm regularly. I'm sure your life is really feeling amazingly different that it felt before you started. The House of the Lord is referred elsewhere in the Psalms as Heaven. This is a Psalm about "Happily ever after." That's the Lord's will for you. Now it's up to you to keep your mind focussed on God's will for you rather than making up your own story. Dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Dwell in Peace forever. Dwell in safety forever. Dwell in beauty forever. Dwell in LIFE forever. Those kinds of thoughts are what dwelling in the house of the Lord forever is referring to. Having said that, your body ALWAYS responds with spontaneous healing on at least SOME level when you work a Psalm like this. So if you are having trouble with your body, definitely use the Psalm to resolve it.