I’ve been listening to and learning a lot of the psalms , especially the purification psalms and I was wondering what other people think about the ego.
With us all coming from source or God and God being the creator of all things, I don’t know about you or if you might know the answer to this but where does the ego come from? Did we create it as a tool to allow us to separate ourselves from God? I did consider this at first and thought that the negative consequences it brings could be a tool in itself to help us to realise how much it hurts to be separate from God and therefore a way to bring us closer to God when we’ve learnt how painful it is. Yet the more I’ve listened to Ariel the less convinced I am of this, especially when he talks about how the ego wants to drive us to insanity and destroy and kill us. I mean it can’t be a tool to learn from if we’re dead.
So if everything has to come from God and God created everything what purpose or function was the ego created for? I’d love to hear some opinions on this. Maybe one of Gods other creations created it? I just don’t know.
@James V you are so welcome! The lecture video that was created from that livestream has MUCH better audio and should be up within the week. BB!
Thank you for the video about the ego. Every time I have a thought coming from the ego, which admittedly is a lot at the moment, I don’t react to it and ask God to shine his light onto the dark and burn away anything that is unlike him. I also affirm that with my free will I choose not to be separate from God any longer. Thanks Ariel
@Bella it's a big topic.
@Ariel Gatoga If everything is created by infinite intelligence, then the ego must have been created intentionally and intelligently, so then it must have a purpose or function that is serving us in some way. If it's just senseless and insane and there is no reason for it, wouldn't that mean it's an error?
@Ariel Gatoga I think a lecture would be a Very Good Thing as the question I have been grappling with for a while is why does the Ego want us to feel we are separate and alone? For what purpose? It tries to stop us from progressing because it knows it will die when we realsie what the truth is - so is it just a existentialist survival thing? BBX
I'll do a lecture on the Ego soon. It's obvious that there are different definitions about what we are talking about. BB
The ego is a tool and needs to be trained like a pet. In our society too much emphasis was placed on the ego which is why it’s out of balance. Once we focus and allow our spirit soul to take charge the ego becomes an asset.
Remember that the Ego is not real. It is a construct we make in order to prove we are separate and alone. It doesn't have our best interests at heart, since darkness and separation are its goals, fear is its tool.
It's nothing to fear.
I don't think the ego wants to destroy us. On the contrary! I think it wants to help us, that it wants to protect us. It is the examining, judging instance within us that decides whether something could become dangerous for our physical existence or not. It is closely linked to the primal fear of death that we all carry around with us since we are incarnated in a body. Therefore it classifies everything that is new and unknown as potentially dangerous. Any change that it cannot assess is feared. Maintaining the status quo is therefore the highest goal and through this it looks as if the ego is working against us when we develop spiritually, because huge changes happen. The mere fact that we are incarnated as one soul in a physical body separates us from God. But because we want to have this experience with all the consequences that it brings with it. Therefore: yes, the ego wants to keep us separate from God, but not with evil intent, but with good reason. That's just my point of view.