Welcome to our Forum! Extensive discussions available regarding "non-denominational" witchcraft, psychic development and spiritual growth, Psalm Magic and Angel Magic. We welcome everyone. We want this to be a fun and comfortable place for our members to share their ideas, learn and grow.
Not all witches believe in the same things, and this board is not meant to proselytize. Keep this in mind when participating in conversations on the board. Personal faith can be a sensitive topic and it can be easy to become defensive when others don’t share your perspective or have beliefs that seem to contradict your own.
It is sharing our differences that help us to grow. Remember the image of spiritual community as a divine "Rock Tumbler." We can view ourselves as raw crystals placed into a tumbler. Our rough edges rub up against each other and cause us to become high-luster, polished gems. Please post! There is no reason for you to be afraid to speak up and join in. We all benefit from everyone's voice being heard. Please let us hear from you! Please do your best to use complete sentences and punctuation in your posts. Avoid posting as if you were texting. Also, please spell check your entry before posting. A vast wealth of Craft information is available to everyone, and has been benefiting people for decades; however, traditions do have material that is reserved for initiates only, and is considered "sub-rosa." If any confidential material is posted, it will be removed immediately and a warning given to the user. Only registered users are permitted to post. Personal attacks on any member are never tolerated, regardless of how it is presented. Your opinion can be stated, and you can explain why you disagree without attacking the other members. If the topic of a thread is uninteresting to you, then there is no need for you to comment. Please start a thread on a topic you are more interested in. If, in the moderators opinion, differences in opinion become personal attacks they reserve the right to act accordingly. Spam will be deleted and if continued after a warning is issued, the user will be banned. We have created a section where you can promote a favorite site, your own site or your own business. Please keep these posts to the section designed for them. New members whose first and only post is promoting another site will be considered spam. It's a good idea in all forums to get to know everyone a bit before you start promoting other sites. Links in your signature to any e-commerce site that is not related to the topic of the board is considered spam and will not be tolerated. No Duplicate Accounts. Only one account is allowed per email address. This is a common rule all over the internet, duplicate accounts are confusing, can be used for spam, as well as being annoying, if you need a duplicate account for a loved one or family member please contact a moderator. Sexually explicit topics or images may not be posted in the forum. Members check new posts from work, school, or libraries and do not want these topics just popping up. Sending personal messages to other members is part of the privileges of membership. Sending harassing, or unwanted messages to any member of this group will not be tolerated. Mistakes will sometimes happen, and we will do our best to remedy them when they are brought to our attention. Please remember that the Moderators of this site are volunteers who give up their time to help provide a great site for us all, please be respectful when sending personal messages or requests for help. Breaking the forum rules will have at least one warning prior to any action being taken; this will be followed by a temporary 7-day ban from the site. If rules are still broken, then the user will be permanently banned. Thank you for posting here, I know it is going to be a great experience for you and the rest of us!
Thank you!
Thank you for guiding me to the forum.