Most practitioners of magic agree that the two phases of the moon: waxing, and waning, are important in determining how one should time their spells.
During the waxing moon (new to full) we do magic that is concerned mainly with creating, attracting, growing things we desire.
During the waning phase (full to new) we do magic that has to do with elimination, banishing, releasing, diminishing and cleansing.
New Moon or Dark Moon?
What the lunar calendars call the new moon, we actually call the dark moon. In the old Craft, the new moon is the first visible crescent in the sky following the dark moon. The DARK moon lasts three days. During this phase, we avoid working most magic. We take these three days off.
During the the dark moon, the moon is not showing herself; therefore, we do no invoking or casting during this three-day orb.
Determining the Dark Moon is Simple
Look up what any calendar calls the next new moon. The three-day orb that is the day before, during and after the new moon in the calendar. This three day period is the dark moon.
The New Moon
The first day after the dark moon is called the new moon. This is when you can see a definite first crescent in the sky. This is the first night of the waxing phase. The closer you can cast your waxing spell to this time, the more momentum your spell will carry.
Most practitioners of magic agree that the two phases of the moon, waxing, and waning, are important in determining how one should time their spells.
It is the BEGINNING of each phase that gives the most momentum in a spell.
Waxing magic is best begun on or nearly after the new moon.
Waning magic is best begun on, or nearly after the full moon.
It's best to take a break during the dark moon (and also during any kind of eclipse)
Use lunar momentum, and you'll soon be casting a wallop of a spell!
Good readding your post