The files so this:
1. The angel who rules your natal moon sign.
2. The angel who rules your natal sun sign.
3. The angel who rules your natal ascendant.
4. The angel who rules the day of the week you were born.
I don't know the time I was born so I can't figure out my "ascendant" angel but I am still a little unclear on how to figure out the rest.
I was born on a Monday, so that is Gabriel.
I also think one of my Angels may be Hahahel, but another source says it could be Mikael. I was born October 16. Is this a Moon or a Sun Sign angel?
How do I find out the other one, if the above is for the Moon, than how do I find out which one is for the Sun (or vice versa)
To figure out of it is Hahahel or Mikael, could I just ask in meditation?
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No, it does not come on the birth certificate. I wrote the state of Oregon, they don't record it. I wrote the county, they said the state keeps all those records. I looked in a geneology site for it, but nothing. I searched the archive of our newpaper but my birth was not announced or they did not write about it.
My last chance is to contact the hospital I was born in, I have a phone number for their records department and I will see if they can dig it up.
It's mostly likely an Aries moon unless you were born before about 2 am. That would make your primary birth angel Samael. If it ends up being Pisces, then your angel is Sachiel.
It's not on your regular birth certificate?
Portland Oregon
In East Multnomah County (just barely in East bu the street signs still say NE)
I found the hospitals I was born at, I am going to contact their records department (or whoever might know about birth times) and ask if they can tell me. I don't know if they are allowed to or if they would be willing to but it cannot hurt to ask) No one who would know my birth time is still alive, so it is a bit of a challenge to find out.
Hmmm... I get Pisces moon sign when I use this birthdate: October 16, 1967 What city were you born in? You don't have a copy of your birth certificate? Your birth time is usually on there. The moon went from Psices to Aries on your birthdate, so if you know your birth time it's easier to know which sign your moon was in when you were born.
It says my Moon is in Aries, but I only remember being told I was born in the middle of the night on October 16, 1967. So I picked the setting that said between midnight and 6am.
That day was a Monday, so I would think Garbriel is something to me.
However, the recommended site just said my Moon sign is Aries.
Next I tried this:
and it told me I was a Leo.
So I am not sure.
I assume I should go with Aries because it is withing this system/tradition/school of thought whatever you want to call it.
Also, during my angelic silence, I may have felt something. My perceptions/feelings of the area sort of shifted to something different. I don't know what that means. I will keep doing it and see if I only get the kind of feeling when I am using the divine name and the name Anael.
Maybe Anael wants to talk but wants to start slow so I don't get scared. I was raised like the people you discuss in the Primer when you talk about spirits. That means that my subconcious is full of things like, "unless it's the Holy Spirit, it is scarey and dangers (also bad)". So it would make sense for Anael not to want to scare me and make me stop. On the other hand, it could be nothing.
Anyway, if I don't know my exact time of birth how am I going to figure this out.
Don't worry too much about the gender.. angels are called "pre gender" which means they can appear as either gender or a hybrid of each as the will. They are the original "gender fluid" beings. Did you find your moon sign? Hanael is a different spelling for Anael, they are the same angel. BB
Fantastic. So I should concentrate on Anael or Gabriel first.
Is the the same as Haniel, and archangel for Venus? These names are confusing.
I will watch the videos on your page and just do whatever it say. In fact, depending on what it says, I may just do my Primer stuff and try only to contact that angel until the angel says something or somehow lets me know he/she is there.
BTW, I think I got two lady type angels. Venus and the Moon. I don't know what to make of that. I'm a boy, but I am not the alpha male type. I don't have a big enough ego for it.
Anyway, thank you to everyone.
Thank you so much, @Lucretia for that great resource for moon signs! BB 🧙♂️❤️🧙♀️
MM @mark!! Your moon sign is your most important birth angel in the system I practice. Next in importance would be your sun sign. We don't use Hahahel in our particular system. We limit our workings mostly to 8 to 10 teaching angels. You can work with any of the teaching angels even if they aren't your birth angels, but your birth angels hold special significance for you. Once you find your moon sign, just use the little table on this page to find your birth angel: BB
Hahahel is something I found online. So I will try to figure out my Moon Angel and I will make some attempt to get to know them. First I will re-read what Ariel said, but I think it said to go slow and just kind of let them know you want to talk and they will handle the rest. Again, I will re read and see what I do.
Also, on Hahahel I think is one of the 72 names of God. I'm pretty sure he/she is Shem HaMaphoresh. (I have actually worked wtih Angel 19 Lecabel "Law Vell" is the pronounciation.
By the way, Thank you. (I had to do this in an edit, I forgot. I got all excited about maybe contacting one of these Angels.)
Morning Mark. According to Ariel’s hand our your sun sign is Libra so the angel is Anael. It also says not to worry about your ascendant angel if you don’t know your time of birth. You will need to calculate your moon sign as it includes your date of birth - there are a few moon sign calculators on the Interweb. I used the one at astrology cafe - here is another one I’m not sure what you are using to calculate the angels but Hahahel does not feature in the material I have from Ariel. Bbx