Hello! I almost posted this in response to one of Ariel's recent IG posts on Angel Uriel, but thought maybe it would be better here as a general question/post.
I've experienced omens from Uriel (and other angels) in the past, but wasn't sure what to do. Uriel's not one of my birth angels, so I didn't know if I was being called to work directly with him or just look at the areas in my life that he rules over. I've been seeing rainbows reflected a lot lately and feel like maybe he's trying to reach out to me, but am not sure what action to take in response. As I'm typing this, I'm thinking that some simple talismanic magic directed to that angel might be a good beginning?
If we feel like an certain angel is trying to reach out to us, what kinds of steps can we take to respond?
Hello again. When we invoke the angels, are we suppose to state our need outloud in addition to writing it? Also, how long should we stay on a lesson...do they all rely on moon phases?
Okay, thank you!
I'd recommend working in the Angelic Silence with Uriel first, and then see how it unfolds. BB