Yesterday was the 22nd so I managed to get everything done - gosh there was so much! The candle, the journal, the symbol, the Orb, the chanting, GMI incantation, cleansing, consecrating, charging.
But it was so much fun. My Orb was very powerful during the spell, it gave me goosebumps and i wonder if some of this is down to the Orb practice i carried out completing WBB
So I did do two parts wrong - funny how much you read a handout or listen to a podcast there are still bits missed. I did create my symbol a while ago, not in the waxing moon and I did not do the Orb as a first meditation as I did the Morning meditation. I am taking these as minor aberrations and going to carry on regardless as I think i got everything else right. Thank goodness we do not have to deal with planetary hours!
I have two areas of concern;
1) Remembering to do the meditations - especially with the statement. I do have a reminder in my phone but if i foget and and have to start the 28 days again I suspect Iw ill be doing them for the rest of my life!
2) Manifestation list - I have been using a bullet journal since February to schedule my week (and it has truly changed my life ). All the things I want to do and need to be reminded of. Interestingly enough the daily list is normally about six items. So, with a little tweaking, I think can use this. I am still a little confused about what should go on the list and I am hoping this will evolve in time - the example in the lecture is a very mundane task ( going to buy bread I think it was) so I'm hoping a mixture of mundane vs more magical manifesation will work. I changed my mindset when i started my bullet journal from a 'to do' list to a 'things i want to happen' list as then it incorporated the element of choice and I had more ownership over what was there.
I kept my goal simple - an increase in montly income as this covers a mult
iple amount of other desires - not even thinking about the 'how' as I am sure that will be revealed. With a timescale which seemed about right.
So 27 days to go! Very excited about the next class and what it will bring - so excited about this journey. Here is my journal and symbol ( I used a wooden off cut I had for the symbol so its pretty substantial)
Good for you, @Lucretia! Drinking wine and missing a meditation is mandatory when you work as hard as you do.
After forgetting to do my evening meditation because of too many glasses of wine on Saturday night I think I'm pleased to hear that @Ariel Gatoga :) I am ready for week 2 though...
Hi All!! Please be aware that the way this course is structured, it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to complete everything perfectly. That's the point. It's a short course that brings a lot of energy into your practice and jump-starts your prosperity. Please do not worry if you miss something, or make mistakes along the way. You will have results if you just do your best and stay with it. You are really remarkable!
Blessed be.
Your symbols look gorgeous!
Your symbols look gorgeous!
Blessings to all of you. I already had the announcement of money from unexpected sources.🙏😊 One day I wrote "meet someone life-changing" and was sure it will be my tax consultant but I got a call that day that my exam for being an approved dog trainer is finally terminated. I was waiting for this call for one and a half years.
I feel you. The list is a bit weird for me but I just go on with it. I had some great experiences with the list. Now I follow my intuition. One evening I almost forgot about the list. I also worry about forgetting about it one day. I guess we will need a post pmm coffee thread afterwards 😁
Thank you, Lucretia!
This is really interesting. I think this shows your mind is really engaging with the magic and putting your financial house in order to give you a good, clear,foundation for the amazing things to come. I’m very excited for you and thank you so much for sharing! Bbx (And a good idea about the jewellery)
I know it's day 3, but I want to share the odd thing I found myself doing on Monday while getting into the "mood" for prosperity and money. This might sound really odd, but I ended up using trello dot com to organize all the info on my household bills, banks accounts, etc. in case "the worst" (exposure and illness resulting from Covid-19) happened--so my (adult) children will not have "a mess" to deal with whenever I do kick the bucket (I'm in a high risk group and living alone like a Hermit). This was not a morbid excerise--it brought me a lot of financial clarity doing this. I felt like it was a "know where I am" baseline exercise, a preparation for good things to come. I'm almost done with the household info, and have to finish up the business info, and it feels really good.
Part of wanting to create more prosperity is to make sure my struggling children have something from me (though I don't plan on exiting anytime soon).
I also started wearing a necklace and earrings that I seldom wear, but which are a perfect green and gold. I intend to wear these during all client work, as a kind of reminder of the prosperity orb.
However, I have to admit I flubbed listening to the evening meditation last night and the morning one today. Will strive to do better.
Thanks, Ariel, for a really challenging class!!!
Amazing work, Lucretia!
I had a really hard time settling on a goal. I have gone through this course and had wonderful results but these are not ordinary times. Not working all of these months and likely having the role in my industry go away for good has really knocked be back-hard. I decided my goal will be to have an increase in what my bank account is at today and by a certain date. It took me awhile to get to that goal and feels like a big stretch at the moment. I'm filled with so much love for anyone going through this as well.