I'm going to be behind a bit as I'm having issues printing handouts from phone to printer. Hoping if I switch to my computer that'll fix the situation and I won't get too far behind!
@rwright0713, don't worry at all. We are taking one lesson per MONTH! There is absolutely no rush. You can also just read the PDFs off your device until you can get your printing issue resolved.
@Ariel Gatoga yeah i meant whether we can draw the gate shape by hand or incase we have a problem with print like rwright713 had above. Do the proportions of the gate, rows and columns have to be precise? (I guess this gate is a cypherical shape that starts from 4 differentpoints and end at the same )
@rwright0713, don't worry at all. We are taking one lesson per MONTH! There is absolutely no rush. You can also just read the PDFs off your device until you can get your printing issue resolved.
We can draw manually too?