I am fairly new at the craft, so would love some expert opinion from Ariel, and other experienced witches to udnerstand if I did things correctly. (Is this even "allowed" for newbies to create their own spells? Can they hold any power?) I am in possesion of a person's shoes, which I will be giving back sometime soon. There is a high conflict situation between us, and while ideally I'd love for it to be resoved peacefully, it doesn't seem it's "in the cards", as the person is not interested in anything peaceful. So I decided the best thing would be if they go/move away somewhere far from me and be very very happy there. Here is what I did (during waning moon): 1. Black salt + cayenne pepper + moon sea water (charged during the recent moon eclipse) = mixed it counter clockwise in a seashell (I live near the ocean and employ ocean elements a lot)
2. Repeating as I mix "You go far far away from us and stay there"
3. Dabbed the mixture on the outside and inside of the shoes, as I continue repeating the chant.
4. Point the shoes toward the door.
Sounds like it would work for what you want it to do.