Currently zapping negative thought forms around food with an intensive round of 109. The suggestion is to recite it five times daily but it is a very long psalm and I am struggling with this. Is anyone else using Psalm 109 and have they had some postive results with it? My food issues are approximately 30 years old so pretty embedded and i think I may need to do it longer than the five days...
I have teamed it with the Samael talisman as well for extra ooomph..
Hello. I have not worked with this particular psalm but this is my experience dealing with negativity. First you have to observe that you are having the thought ( turn on the observer) then you cancel it ( saying cancel cancel) and replace with a positive thought. Next is positive affirmations. Write it on a sticky note and say them all the time. Next tip which is not easy is forgiveness. Try to dig deep and find where these thoughts originated and forgive weather it’s yourself or someone else. Not easy but worth it. It’s deep transformative work so be patient with yourself. :)
I prayed it during the full moon. My purpose was to get rid of obsessive negative thought pattern. Because in my opinion only the way not to see shadow is to look at the sun. Otherwise I will see shades somewhere anyway. Unfortunately we ve grown with dualistic habit of mind. This psalm has definitely given me great relief in my mind dramatically lessened amount of negative attacking thoughts. Even though i am tested by them once or twice a day, they cant be efficient anymore. But i feel like it should be repeated once a month at least. Because we must feed warrior side of our superconscious (Gevurah of God).
I’ll have to amend the description. BB
A lot of those old traditional multiple recitations of the psalms are not necessary. As long as you work it magically once a day should be more than sufficient! BB