I'm doing AWP and have been pretty successful establishing a meditation practice. I have been using all the guided meditations on YouTube channel. I'm just wondering, as I start to branch out doing mediation on my own, if I need to basically have my own "guide" internally (OK, so now imagine XYZ. OK, now imagine ABC etc) or if once I've done my grounding & centering I really should be listening in quiet contemplation for instructions /guidance, etc. Assuming there is a place for both but TBH I'm a little nervous it won't go well & I will lose my motivation. What do you recommend? I have experience meditating without a guide but have always struggled to be consistent.
Thank you & BB!
Thank you for your guidance Ariel. You & all of your resources you've created are such a treasure. Blessed Be!
You might want to use the Magic Minute technique for a while. I have a video on it on my YT channel. It's a great way to branch out from guided meditations to doing it on your own. Don't worry about necessarily hearing voices or seeing visions or anything... your inner guide speaks to you in subtle ways quite often. It all kind of comes by osmosis over time as you continue your daily practice. BB