I'm Don, newer here. Briefly about me: had a rough start and childhood, rough first half. Past two years have seen some of the roughest spots but they were also on my own, starting with nothing and building up.
Started praying the Lord's Prayer meditatively, as Emmett Fox broke it down. It's been transformative. Finding psalms being used as magic has also been transformative. I was raised Christian, in poor white trash cornfields, so it's been phenomenally healing to get to deeply reclaim my heritage from how it was presented, and how it's almost exclusively presented to so many of us: as violently patriarchal, backwards, and as ruthless about increasing butts in the pews as the very best (worst) corporate HR dept.
Hearing Ariel speak has been transformative and healing as well, to nearly the same high degree.
I'm grateful to you Ariel, and to Spirit, God.
I have a magic background, and am always a searcher of deep truth/s.
Love you all, and BB
im new been intrested in the craft for three years now
Welcome! Blessed be.