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The Divine Justice Spell

Divine Justice is Your Right

Sometimes it seems like there is no justice in the world, yet this is untrue.

Take heart if you are experiencing a challenge where you feel injustice prevails. Although it feels like it is creeping along at a snail's pace, Divine Justice always wins. You are a divine being with divine rights. If earthly justice seems to have stalled, call on Infinite Spirit and claim your right to Divine Justice right now. If you are in a situation where grave injustice seems to be occurring, you may find that the Divine Justice Spell is a potent tool to get things moving along a more just path. By working the Divine Justice Spell, you place yourself directly in the stream of Divine Justice. The stream of Divine Justice cannot be stalled, thwarted, reversed, or side-stepped in any manner. Nothing can escape Divine Justice, and this spell seems to help us get directly in the flow of this great power.

How To Work The Divine Justice Spell

There are many types of justice spells. If you want to incorporate other techniques with the Divine Justice Spell, please do so. However, you need nothing but the Book of Psalms to work the Divine Justice Spell. If you don't have a stand-alone book of Psalms, try our free online Witch's Psalter. Using the Psalm Magic Formula, work one Psalm each day from the Justice Psalms collection:

Day 1: Psalm 4

Day 2: Psalm 35

Day 3: Psalm 52

Day 4: Psalm 72

Day 5: Psalm 82

Day 6: Psalm 94

Day 7: Psalm 149 The Justice Psalms collection is available on our Psalm Collections page for easy access.

Work the Magic Until it "Clicks"

As with all magic, check in with your emotions once you have completed the spell. If you have a sense of peace and certainty that justice will prevail, it is a sign from your deep mind that the spell has "taken" and manifestation is immanent. If, on the other hand, you don't have a sense of peace about the situation at hand, then repeat the spell. Repeat the Divine Justice Spell as many times as necessary until you achieve peace and certainty. Remember that you are not on your own. Infinite Intelligence wants only good for you. If you need help, all you have to do is ask for it.

Keep Quiet About The Matter

We all need a person or two to vent our fears and frustrations. But be careful that you don't vent in general. Mostly, avoid speaking of the issue to people except when necessary. The more you keep quiet about the situation, the easier it is for the magic to work on your behalf. Maintain your poise and maintain peace and certainty about the situation. Anytime you doubt or despair, tell yourself:

"Divine Justice now prevails. All is well. Everything is working out in perfect ways for my highest good." "Only good can come from this. I am divinely protected in all ways." "I am divinely guided and led by Spirit. I know exactly what to do at every instant." "Divine Justice is the only reality in my life and affairs."

Some Psalm Magic Resources

If you are new to Psalm Magic, I recommend downloading my free booklet, "How To Work Psalm Magic." Here, also, is a talk I gave on getting started with psalm magic:

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Whisker city
Whisker city
06 abr 2023


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Bulelwa Goqwana
Bulelwa Goqwana
06 abr 2023


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Ariel Gatoga
Ariel Gatoga
06 abr 2023
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06 abr 2023

Just what I need. Thank you so much

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Ariel Gatoga
Ariel Gatoga
06 abr 2023
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You are very welcome. Thank you for reading! Blessed be.

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