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  • How To Work Gray Magic

    (affiliate links may be included in this article) White Magic vs. Black Magic It's very common to hear people describe magic as either black magic or white magic. To these people, black magic is associated with attacking, hexing, and cursing, whereas they believe white magic to be positive, blessing, and healing. These same people often call gray magic an ethical middle ground, whatever that means. Please note that in the system of gray magic that I outline here, white, gray, and black, have nothing to do with ethics or morals. In gray magic, white represents what is invisible, while black represents complete manifestation and tangibility. If we assign black the value of 1 and white the value of 9, we have seven layers of grey between them. This is a 9-step value scale. Gray offers an easy way of perceiving levels of light and darkness accurately. Colors also have values. The true values of colors can be more challenging to perceive than gray, which is why color magic can sometimes be tricky. I will cover this topic more in my upcoming Color Magic course. Stay tuned When using gray magic to manifest something, we must bring our desire from white (the visible thought plane) through the seven values of gray into black (the visible or manifest plane). To eliminate something, we do the same thing in reverse. We start with the manifest (black) and lighten the values through all seven levels of gray until we get to white (the invisible). A Grayscale Talisman Making a talisman using a nine-step value scale is a powerful way to work gray magic. You don’t need to draw the circles for this talisman yourself; You can print off a page of talisman forms taken from my upcoming Color Magic course here. If you want to draw the circles yourself, use a compass to draw a small 1-inch circle in the center of a white paper or card. Then draw some concentric circles, each a half inch larger than the last, until you have drawn nine layers. Write a keyword in the center circle representing your desire. You can alternatively draw a small symbol of your desire instead of a keyword. For manifestation spells, start by leaving the outer layer of the circle white. Then fill in the seven different values as best as possible, gradually darkening the gray at each successive layer. Last, fill in the center of the circle with black. Be sure to cover the word or symbol entirely in black. For elimination spells, start by coloring in the center circle black (covering your keyword or symbol). Then fill in the seven gray layers, each layer successively lighter, until you reach the last layer, which remains white. I learned this technique using a #2 pencil to make my talisman. By varying the pressure with each layer, you can get gradually darker values as you reach the circle's center. Not being a trained artist, I struggled with making a smooth gradient using only a #2 pencil. Also, the center was difficult to color a dark black. I purchased some graphite pencils with various leads to help me vary the values of gray. They were very affordable and made the process so much easier and enjoyable. Artists’ charcoal pencils also work very well for value talismans. You can also use gray colored pencils or crayons. Vary the pressure and add layers of white and black to darken the value. You can also find crayons and pencils of different shades of gray, which makes it even easier. Gray markers, inks, or paints are other ways to create grayscale talismans. Artistic Ability Is Unnecessary How well you create a grayscale on your talisman does not affect your magical results. All is well, as long as your talisman has a white outer layer, a black center, and some gray in the middle. The talisman is a device to bring your desire through the value scale in your mind. Of course, as with any magic, it pays to do your best. What you put into your magic is what you get out of it. But please don't confuse artistic ability with magical success. Define Your Keyword or Symbol In this operation, you use a single word or symbol to convey an entire idea to your deep mind. Make sure you take some time to define what that word or symbol means for that talisman. For instance, if you are making a talisman for a new job, you could choose the word, JOB. But before making your talisman write in your notebook or state aloud something like, "In this talisman, the word JOB means that I am gainfully employed doing ______," Then take time to list the various qualities of the job that you desire. When Banishing or Eliminating White acts like bleach in gray magic; it bleaches out what we desire to eliminate. When we eliminate something, we create a void; therefore, we begin with the idea of what will fill the vacuum before we create that vacuum. For instance, if you are making a talisman to eliminate migraines, you might choose the word "HEALTH." You wouldn't write the keyword "MIGRAINES" in the circle to eliminate it. Instead, write a word representing what will fill the void once the migraines are gone. In this example, that keyword is "HEALTH." State aloud or write in your notebook, "In this talisman, the word HEALTH means that I have eliminated my migraines. I am so happy that I constantly feel joy and pleasure instead of migraines. I thank my body for feeling so good and having such wonderful health." You have already defined this talisman's word "health" to include eliminating migraines, so you have covered all your bases. Since this spell eliminates something, you would begin by filling the center circle with black, coloring over your keyword completely, and moving out to the white perimeter, filling each successive layer with lighter gray. Recap Draw a 1-inch circle on white paper or card, then draw nine more concentric circles, each a half inch larger than the last. (You can also print out sheets of blank value talisman forms) Define your desire and distill your desire into a single word or symbol. Write your word or symbol in the center circle. For manifesting: leave the outer layer of the talisman white, and color a deeper shade of gray with each successive layer until you get to the center circle, which you color completely black. Be sure to cover the keyword completely with black. For eliminating. Start by coloring the center circle black. Make sure you cover your keyword. Fill each successive layer of the talisman with a lighter shade of gray until you get to the outer layer, which you leave completely white. Hide your completed talisman somewhere in your home. Once your desire has come to pass, rip it up and throw it away. Candles, Perfumes, and Timing Whether you desire to charge the talisman with a candle is completely up to you. If you burn candles, burn a white candle for elimination and a black candle for manifestation. It is a common practice in many forms of candle magic to burn black candles for banishing and white for bringing blessings. But in gray magic, white causes elimination, and black brings manifestation. Using Perfumes to consecrate your talismans isn't necessary, but I still like to use them. I use generic perfumes such as Eau de Cologne, verbena, or lavender for gray magic. You can work gray magic during any lunar phase without casting circles and on any day of the week. No planetary correspondences are required. I hope you enjoy this sometimes challenging but always rewarding magical practice. Here is a video demonstration of the process for making Gray Magic talismans

  • A Ten-Day Prosperity Psalm Spell

    Prosperity Is Your Birthright Whether you are in great financial need or are simply desiring an upgrade in your financial situation, this 10-day prosperity psalm spell can help. We all need money to survive, but why should mere survival be our goal? As we work this spell, we will realize it is right for us to have all the money we need to do what we want to do when we want to do it. There is nothing selfish or sinful in wanting to have money. Unfortunately, many believe that to have the money they desire, it is necessary to do evil or harmful things to themselves or others. These people confuse prosperity with greed. Greed is not prosperity. Greed comes from a mindset of poverty based on fear. Working Psalm Magic for Prosperity By working this 10-day prosperity psalm spell, it brings only good to us and everyone with whom we come in contact. Any psalm spell requires only a book of psalms. You can use a standalone book of psalms, a Bible, or an app on your phone or computer to read the psalms. If you are not yet familiar with the basics of working Psalm magic, you can download my free booklet, How To Work Psalm Magic. Here, also, is a brief talk called Getting Started With Psalm Magic: The Ten-Day Prosperity Psalm Spell To work the Ten-Day Prosperity Psalm spell, you just work one psalm per day from the following collection of prosperity psalms: Day 1: Psalm 21 Day 2: Psalm 26 Day 3: Psalm 42 Day 4: Psalm 72 Day 5: Psalm 74 Day 6: Psalm 76 Day 7: Psalm 81 Day 8: Psalm 84 Day 9: Psalm 111 Day 10: Psalm 132 When working each psalm, employ the Psalm Magic Formula. After you have finished the Ten-Day Prosperity Psalm Spell, notice how you feel. If you feel a sense of peace and certainty about your financial situation after you have completed the spell, that means your spell is finished! If you don't feel that sense of peace and certainty, then do another round of the ten days. Financial Success For You Make sure of your success by keeping in mind a few prosperity principles: 1. Don't speak of lack or hard times. Turn your harmful speech around. For instance, instead of saying, "I can't afford that," say, "I don't want to buy that right now, but it can be mine in divine order if I do want it." 2. Fall asleep each night with a prosperous thought such as, "All my financial needs are now met in divine order." 3. Stop thinking of money as evil or wrong. Just because some people use money greedily isn't money's fault. Remind yourself that you aren't seeking to make a god of money. Instead, you are seeking to make money your servant. 4. Take some time every day to think about what you want your financial life to look like. This is a much more constructive use of your time than worrying about bills. 5. If you have a pressing financial need, conjure feelings of financial success by stating, "I am grateful that Infinite Intelligence is instantly meeting this need." Continue to do this each time the fear or worry enters your mind until you have neutralized the negative thought form. 6. Do what is in front of you to do. Allow yourself to be guided and led by the intuitive powers of your incredible mind. Ask Infinite Spirit to show you each step of the way. Take everything one little step at a time. You deserve to be financially prosperous. Claim your right to financial abundance starting right now. The following talk gives a more in-depth overview of the principles of prosperity:

  • How to Grow Your Magical Power

    To work practical magic, you must be able to quiet your mind and relax your body. This is always the first step, no matter what method of magic you use. When I first learned the Craft, my teacher taught me that tension creates a shield in our auras. This shield keeps us in and the rest of the world out. Imagine trying to project a thought form against a thick wall. It won’t go anywhere. This happens to you when you try to cast a spell with your mental shield up. Trying to work practical magic in a state of tension and upset can cause your spell to have no results or, even worse, results in you don’t want. I frequently caution people against casting spells when in panic or desperation. Magic gives us more of what we put into it. If we are projecting desperation into our magic, we can expect desperate results. We keep our desires from manifesting when we surround them with mental and physical tension. When we learn to let go of that tension and quiet our minds, we access the power to realize our desires. Where there's mental tension, there is a corresponding tension in the body. You can be certain your mental shield is down when your body is in a state of relaxation. My free course, A Witch’s Primer, contains several daily relaxation practices, including Grounding and Centering and The Orb of Light. Other free tools I have that can help you establish and maintain relaxation are the Off Switch and the Magic Minute. Before you cast any spell, I recommend you take a few minutes to relax each part of your body. Tell yourself, “My eyes are relaxed, my jaw is relaxed, my neck is relaxed, my shoulders are relaxed,” etc. If you notice your mind racing and not letting you have the peace you desire, dispel those thoughts with the words, “PEACE. BE STILL,” stated either silently or aloud. When your body and mind are relaxed, then you are in a state where you can cast your spell and affect genuine change. Relaxation is a skill. Like any other skill, we must practice it daily. This enables the levels of relaxation we achieve to deepen over time. By relaxing our bodies and minds, we can access magical power. The more we practice this state, the more we can increase our power to change. Here is a lecture I gave on this topic that also contains a small guided relaxation within it:

  • Working Magic In Your Sleep

    When we have our defenses up, it's difficult for our magic to work. This is because when our defenses are up, the thought forms we desire don't project easily due to the mental shield those defenses erect. Tension holds this mental shield in place. Tension and defensiveness are antithetical to effective magic. For our magic to be effective, it's mandatory that we build an infrastructure within our minds and bodies of peace, relaxation, and faith. Tense thoughts perpetuate magical failure. That is why one of a magician's most important skills is establishing relaxation for an extended period. Beginners often overlook this skill. Frequently, new practitioners are more interested in the colors, the candles, the tools, the incense, the magic words, and other such trappings. These things have essential functions in magic, but none of these magical accessories can do much for you if you aren't in the proper relaxed state where magic can happen. Remember that when casting any spell, we aim to build a thought form for our desire. When our deep mind accepts this thought form, our desire comes to pass. When our deep mind does not accept our thought form, our desire does not manifest. It is not usual that the deep mind will accept a thought form unless we are in a state of utter relaxation. When we cast a spell, it’s often a good idea to repeat our casting process daily until we get a sense of peace and certainty about our spell. This feeling of peace and certainty lets us know that we have successfully planted the thought form in the deep mind. Once we've deposited that thought form successfully into the deep mind, our work is done. After we achieve this feeling of peace and certainty, doing more casting can delay, or even diminish, our results. A peaceful feeling regarding your desire is the deep mind telling you, “I've got this. I'm on it. You leave it to me.” It is helpful to know that the mental shield is naturally down during two times of the day: when we fall asleep and when we wake up. Our mental shield must come down when we fall asleep because there's no tension to hold it in place. The mental tension is gone because the mind has fallen asleep. Therefore, a way to get a thought form into the deep mind and be sure that your mental shield is down is by working magic as you enter and exit sleep. To do this, take your thought form and condense it into an easy-to-remember phrase or incantation. Rhyming your phrase is a good idea, but not absolutely necessary. You need a short phrase. For instance, if you were trying to heal yourself from a cold, you might think, “I’m feeling better and better.” If you wanted a raise at work, “My bank account is showing that my salary is growing.” Etc. Repeat your phrase repeatedly, silently in your mind, as you're falling asleep. Don't simply repeat it like a parrot. Feel it, see it, and be one with your desire while repeating your silent phrase. You can even use a single word instead of a phrase. For instance, if you're working a money spell, you could repeat the word wealth as you drop off to sleep, see the wealth, and feel the happiness and joy of knowing that this financial issue works out perfectly. As you wake up in the morning, remember to return to the same mantra, picture, and feelings of your thought form that you fell asleep with. This way, you have not only dropped your thought form into the deep mind as you fell asleep, but also reconstituted it as you wake up again. Experiment with this technique and prove to yourself that it works. Take one goal or problem and decide how it will look and feel once your goal manifests. Create a very brief phrase that represents the feeling that your spell has already manifested. For seven straight nights, as you are going to sleep, do your best to see yourself being, doing, or having this thing. Feel the feelings you think you would feel once the spell has manifested. Then repeat your little phrase silently in your mind as you fall asleep. In the morning, as you awaken, return to your phrase, mental picture, and feeling of accomplishment as soon as you think of it. Sometimes I put a post-it note on my alarm clock so I remember to cast a spell in my mind as I wake up. After the seven days are up, notice how you feel. Ask yourself if you feel peace and certainty about your goal. If yes, stop casting on that thing and move on to something else. If you don’t have peace and certainty, repeat the process for another seven days. Besides working magic on goals and problems, you can also use this technique to get answers and information. For instance, if you have lost an item, you can tell your deep mind that you want to know where the lost item is. Then drop off to sleep with a mental mantra such as, “I know where it is,” and return to that mantra when you awaken in the morning. Frequently, the answer pops into your mind spontaneously when you aren’t thinking about it during the day. Take charge of your time as you're entering and exiting sleep, and notice the difference this one little change in your daily routine makes. This practice doesn’t cost you any extra time; it only costs a bit of extra mental effort at night and in the morning to keep focused as you fall asleep and wake back up again. But you have to fall asleep and wake up every day, anyway. Rather than wasting these daily opportunities, you could use both times to your advantage and get what you want. Bring the dreams of what you desire into your dream world and let your dream world make them real for you. Below is a lecture I gave on this topic, Working Magic In Your Sleep:

  • A Candle Spell For Any Purpose

    This Candle Spell for Any Purpose is an old standby that has never failed me. I hope you get the same marvelous results I have gotten through the years. The spell uses an ingredient called Florida Water. Many magic practitioners use this traditional Eau de Cologne in various magical ceremonies and spells. If you can't find Florida Water, you can substitute any traditional Eau de Cologne. Don't just spray any perfume, though. If you can't find either Florida Water or Traditional Eau de Cologne, omit that ingredient from the spell. Ingredients For The Spell A small jar with a lid (a baby food jar is a good size) A taper candle (plain white or the color that represents your desire) Some soil Vegetable oil (olive oil, safflower oil, etc.) Salt (plain salt, nothing added) A pen and a small piece of paper Four coins, preferably all the same denomination A small bowl Florida water Procedure For The Spell Fill the jar halfway with the soil. I use dirt from my garden. You can also use a potting mix from a nursery if you like. Place the coins in the four directions of the jar so that the heads of each coin are facing out. Do your best to arrange the coins so the heads appear to look through the glass. If you can't place them perfectly, it's okay. Just do your best. Write your desire as succinctly as possible on a small piece of paper. Fold it up and "plant" it in the soil. Fill the jar with more soil and pack it in. Make some anointing oil by mixing a small pinch of salt into some vegetable oil. (Hint: Make your anointing oil in advance and use it for all your candle magic). Be aware that the salt won't dissolve. You will see the salt crystals at the bottom of your anointing oil. Anoint the candle with the anointing oil by putting some oil on your index finger and dragging it up the side of the candle, first from the center up through the wick and then from the center down through the base. Place the candle in the soil so that the soil acts like a candle holder. Pack more soil around the candle if needed. Place the jar of soil with the candle sticking out into the small bowl. Pour water into the bowl so it comes about halfway up the side of the jar. Pour a small amount of Florida Water into the water. Light the candle. Take a few minutes to visualize and feel yourself having what you desire. Let the candle burn down and out by itself. After the candle has finished burning, remove it from the water bowl, and close the lid on the jar. Hide this closed jar containing the soil, paper, and candle wax somewhere in your home. Sprinkle the water from the bowl all about your home. When the spell has come true, open the jar. Remove the coins and scatter them outside somewhere so that a lucky person finds them. Bury everything else from the jar in your garden (if you don't have a garden, it's OK to dispose of them in the garbage). Wash the jar to use it again for another spell. Below is a video of this candle spell. Please note that this article includes affiliate links. We make a tiny commission from these links, and we appreciate your support. A Candle Spell For Any Purpose

  • The Ten-Day Psalm Curse

    A Witch Who Cannot Curse Cannot Heal It is possible to look at all magic as being in two categories—blessing and cursing. To curse something is to destroy it. Cursing is the power to negate; it’s the power to banish. Cursing is the power to bring accountability and retribution. It is wise that our goal in any magical operation be peace. When our goal is peace, we ultimately desire peace with whatever is the object of our curse. To find peace, we must first find forgiveness. We pay lip service to concepts like peace and forgiveness if we pretend to be at peace with or have forgiven someone while secretly resenting them. If somebody has wronged us and we try to forgive them too fast, it's like when someone dies, and we rush through our grieving. We can't skim over the feelings our traumas have caused us and expect to find peace. Rushing to declare that we have forgiven someone when we haven’t completely felt our feelings about the situation is a surefire way to delay our experience of peace indefinitely. It is common in spiritual circles to be encouraged to find forgiveness immediately and not let ourselves experience the resentment we are feeling. While I agree that giving up resentment is necessary to find peace, it’s an empty goal if we are being dishonest with ourselves about what we are feeling. True forgiveness can’t happen until we first stand up for ourselves. It’s impossible to feel victimized and be at peace at the same time. Most of us already understand concepts like “hurt people, hurt people,” and “this person is not bad; they are simply exhibiting unacceptable behavior.” But knowing these things doesn't make any difference in our lives if we are broken and bloody (either figuratively or literally) because of what they've done to us. While cursing is rarely warranted, there are cases wherein we have been wronged so profoundly that no other method can bring us the peace we seek. The Ethics of Cursing Know that when we curse another person, we curse ourselves. This is because we cannot do to someone anything that we’re not doing to ourselves. We must hold our feet to the fire when we curse someone. If we curse another for gossiping about us but take part in the rumor mill ourselves, it should not surprise us when the curse swiftly comes alive in our own lives. We can't look at cursing as something that we do casually and with no forethought. Cursing is not a frivolous pastime. If you are considering cursing another person, it is wise to go through your mind and ask, “is this honestly the only way for me to find peace?” Remember that, unlike in the movies, once you've cursed somebody, you can't un-curse them. Once a curse is cast, it must run its course. Cursing can be a very dangerous process. When you curse another, you can burn yourself much more than with any other magic. I've known people who cursed as a recreational activity. These people used magic to destroy lives. These people weren’t cursing to find forgiveness; they were cursing because people annoyed them or didn’t behave the way the cursers wanted them to. These cursers also gleefully enjoyed their feelings of personal power as they watched others suffer at their hands. Most of those cursers have already met tragic and untimely ends. Psalmic Curses Psalmic curses are among the most potent curses known. Unlike other curses, however, Psalmic curses have some important stopgaps and protections. One especially good thing about the Psalmic curses is that if it turns out that a curse wasn’t warranted in the end, the Psalmic current adjusts the energy for you, so nothing bad happens to anyone. If somebody does deserve the curse, they will know the score and will feel and see their actions’ effects returned on them. They will be taught a lesson, and there will be accountability. With a Psalmic curse, ultimately, all will be well. This is because the goal of all magic done with the Psalmic curses is that of restitution and of making everyone involved whole again. With a Psalmic curse, you can go through your need for revenge and retribution instead of suppressing it. You can be confident that there will be accountability and equity in a very profound and effective manner. This will provide you with the perfect mental and emotional environment to finally find the forgiveness and peace you seek. Forgive Out of Self-Interest There's nothing wrong with self-interest. Everybody benefits when we take care of ourselves first. Can you imagine a world where everybody minded their own business? How different life would be! Everyone would get their needs met and do what they want to do. We would live in a world where everybody is working their true will. There would be harmony. Therefore, whenever we forgive, we don’t do it for the sake of the person who wronged us; we do it for ourselves. You forgive another because it gives you peace of mind. Cursing Is Sacred Magic While Cursing is not appropriate very often, when it is appropriate, don't think, “No, I don't curse because I’m a good person.” Sometimes good people take out restraining orders. Sometimes good people testify against criminals. Sometimes good people press charges. And yes, good people sometimes curse too. I always recommend that cursing be done through the Psalms. The Psalmic curses are extremely effective and bring about remarkable results. But they are also safe to use. If you mess up and curse somebody who doesn't deserve it, you and they are each protected. This is because the Psalms are so well constructed that a resolution will be found more positively if a curse isn’t warranted, and no one will be harmed. Cursing is not something to reach for unless you are sure it’s the only way, but know that it is available to you should you need it. You can do it in a way that brings about healing rather than bringing about destruction for its own sake. Cursing Situations Instead of People I rarely need to curse people, but I regularly curse various situations. If a problem doesn’t clear up, I will do a Ten-Day Psalm curse on it and watch the problem wither and die before my eyes. Try it. Curse your debt, health problems, procrastination, laziness, etc. The Ten-Day Psalm Curse This curse is very simple to do. Write the name of the person, situation, or condition you are cursing on paper. Draw a circle around the name. Then turn the paper so that the name appears to you upside down. You may, optionally, burn either a white or black candle and set it on top of the paper as it burns. Incense or perfumes are unnecessary for this spell, nor is it necessary to cast any magic circle. Work the Psalm Magic Formula on each of the following Psalms, one per day: Psalms 5, 35, 55, 58, 59, 69, 79, 109, 137, and 139. If you are burning a candle, ensure you extinguish it after you finish working the psalm for each day. Relight it the next day. When you have finished the final Psalm, on the tenth day, let the candle burn down and out by itself. After ten days, tear up the paper and throw it in the trash. No other ritual needs to be performed. Following is a lecture I gave called "Cursing to Find Forgiveness." I hope you enjoy it!. Blessed be, Ariel

  • A Simple Coloring Spell

    The following spell is a straightforward way to work Color Magic. Don’t let its simplicity fool you. There is a video demonstration at the bottom of this post! Needed A small piece of paper or card; A pen with black ink; Something to draw a small circle with, such as a compass, a jar lid, or a cup. A coloring medium (crayons, colored pencils, pens, paints, etc.) Method In black ink, draw a small circle on your paper or card. Inside the circle, write what you desire as if it has already occurred. For example, “I paid all my credit card bills in full.” Next, determine which color represents your desire. Included in this post is a list of common uses for colors. This list isn’t definitive. Choosing a color for a spell is a very personal decision. Just because a list tells you that green is for money doesn’t mean you must use green. Use a color that speaks to you. Color the circle entirely with your chosen color. Color right on top of your writing. Once you have finished coloring your talisman, put it away so no one will see it. When your spell comes true, find your talisman, rip it up, and throw it away. Some hints for effectiveness Color slowly and thoughtfully. Think about the spirit of your chosen color moving in throughout every aspect of your aura. Feel the color moving into your atmosphere. See that color going everywhere. Don't worry about how well you visualize; know that your desire is coming to pass through the power of this color. Think about how you want your desire to come about In healthy and positive ways for the highest good of all. You could repeat aloud what you wrote in the circle while coloring. Or you could choose to color in silence, seeing, feeling, and knowing your desire is here now. Take your time with this spell. Don’t rush. Color in all the white space on the paper or card. Use as many coats of your color as you like. As you cover the paper with color, so is your situation covered in this color to work on your behalf. The intelligence of this color has the ability and the willingness to move through this part of your life and bring about your desire in the best way possible for you and everyone concerned. As you color, do your best to conjure the feeling that your desire has already come to pass. Know in your gut that it has happened. See your color as light moving throughout your body, mind, and affairs. You don't have to invoke any deity, spirit, or angel, and you don't have to work with any planet. You don't have to do anything except. Draw a circle, write your intention, and decide what color best suits you. And fill in the circle with your chosen color. Some colors and media allow the writing to show through after completing the coloring. Others completely cover up the writing so it’s no longer visible. Neither way is better than the other. The spell will work whether the coloring has obscured the writing. This simple spell can be a highly potent form of magic. I hope you give it a try! Some color correspondences Red: Energy, sex, passion, love, courage, movement. Pink: Joy, love, friendship, harmony, beauty, creativity. Orange: Attraction, motivation, ambition, success, healing, protection. Yellow: Mind, sociability, networking, career, mental clarity. Green: Money, fertility, health, luck, prosperity, creativity, harmony. Blue: Healing, inspiration, peace, happiness, fidelity. Purple: Power, wisdom, spiritual awareness. Silver: Feminine energy, The Goddess, psychic development. Gold: Male energy, The God, success, fortune. White: Personal strength and insight, peace, serenity, truth, purification. Black: Banishing, Releasing, protection. Brown: Solidity, endurance, dependability, practicality. Grey: Neutralize power.

  • Working the Psalms of Gold and The Psalms of Ascension

    You may already know about the Psalmic Initiatory Path if you have read my free booklet, How To Work Psalm Magic. To summarize how the Psalmic Initiatory Path works, you take the book of Psalms and work the Psalm Formula on each of the 150 Psalms. When you finish all 150 of those Psalms, you have achieved your first degree in the Psalmic Tradition. Each time you complete the book of Psalms, you achieve another degree of initiation. You can listen to my lecture on this topic for more information. With Psalm Magic, we go for practical results. We can work magic to solve many problems regarding finances, relationships, health, protection, revenge, forgiveness, grief, and regret. You can even deal with matters like hauntings, possessions, curses, and more. The following two psalm collections are of special interest to those who walk the Psalmic Initiatory Path. Still, they can be successfully worked as stand-alone magical operations even if you aren't interested in the Initiatory Path. The Golden Psalms There are six Psalms in this collection: Psalm 16, Psalm 56, Psalm 57, Psalm 58, Psalm 59, and Psalm 60 Psalm magicians consider the Golden Psalms to be Psalms of alchemy. If you have ever studied alchemy, you know how challenging it can be. The Alchemist must take a base substance and transform it into pure gold. Authentic alchemists have always understood that the goal of their Great Work was ultimately a matter of taking base-level humanity and turning it into spiritual gold. All alchemists perform their operations using some process of distillation and redemption. Each one of us is a perfect being of spiritual gold. We forgot who we were and started thinking thoughts outside of the idea of perfection. All thought creates form. If we think thoughts that are not based on truth, we create conditions that are not spiritual gold. To return to our gold, we have to purify everything that is not of it from our minds. That's what Alchemy is, redeeming our spiritual gold. The Golden Psalms are a means by which we can work this alchemy. Work the Golden Psalms for practical things. Name the problem you need to solve and say, "I've got gold hidden within all this debris. I am going to distill this situation and redeem my gold." Then work the Golden Psalms on the situation. Working the Golden Psalms is very simple. You take six days and work the Psalmic Formula on each of the six psalms, one per day, in this order: Psalms 16, 56, 57, 58, 59, and 60. When you have completed this six-day process, reassess your feelings about the situation at hand. If you have a sense of peace and certainty about it, then congratulate yourself and stop working on that matter. If not, do as many six-day rounds as you need to be at peace with the situation. This feeling of peace lets you know that a perfect manifestation is forthcoming. The Ascension Psalms The other psalm group that's very important in the path of initiation is a fifteen-psalm set commonly called The Psalms of Ascent Or The Psalms of Degrees. For Psalm magicians, this is a collection of Psalms of initiation known as the Ascension Psalms. The Ascension Psalms speak to the idea of a sacred pilgrimage. In magic, pilgrimage means initiation. An initiation is a journey that we take to meet and become one with our Self. Within this Self is a vast source of hidden knowledge and wisdom, all of which were put there at our creation and remain there for our use once we redeem them. The Ascension Psalms are all relatively brief, some being extremely short. They all are hopeful, and many are highly joyous and happy. Working the Ascension Psalms is a method by which we can raise our vibrations anytime we need to be lifted. Work the Psalm Formula on each Psalm in the group, in order, starting with Psalm 120 and ending with Psalm 134. You may work one Psalm per day or up to three psalms per day to complete one round. Simply work the Psalm Formula on each Psalm in the group, in order, starting with Psalm 120 and ending with Psalm 134. You may work one Psalm per day or up to three psalms per day to complete one round. Once you have completed one round of these fifteen psalms, reassess the condition. If you feel at peace with the situation, you can stop working. If not, do as many rounds as you need to find peace. This sense of peace tells you that a manifestation is imminent. The Ascension Psalms are all about raising and lifting. Ask yourself what needs to be raised, what needs to be lifted, and what needs ascent. Then bring whatever that is to the Ascension Psalms. I hope when you work magic with these two Psalm collections that, you see extraordinary results. Like so many others, I hope you find that you are working your magic on a significantly more profound level and with better results than before. Thank you so much for reading. P.S. You can find links to Psalm videos to each of these collections here. Until next time, blessed be.

  • How to Make A Perfume of Blessing

    Today, I am excited to share my recipe for Blessing Perfume. Some people use this formula as a substitute for the famous Florida Water. I usually use alcohol-based spray perfumes in my magic, but if you prefer an oil, then instead of using alcohol as your carrier, substitute a carrier oil such as grapeseed oil. I use pure food-grade ethanol, such as Everclear. If you can't find ethanol, look for a product called Perfumer's Alcohol instead. I use pure essential oils rather than synthetic fragrance oils, but please use what you like. Blessing Oil 20 drops of lemon oil 20 drops of orange oil 40 drops of lavender oil 1 to 10 drops of clove oil 1 to 4 drops of cinnamon oil 1 to 4 drops cassia oil Note: if you can't find cassia oil, you can use eight drops of cinnamon and omit the cassia oil. Start by pouring 100 Ml of ethanol into a small glass bottle. Next, carefully add the essential oils, one drop at a time, into the alcohol. Once you have added all the oils, put the lid on the bottle and gently shake your perfume for a few minutes. You may notice that the mixture is slightly cloudy, depending on the quality of the oils and the purity of the alcohol, but this cloudiness will usually clear up in a day or so. If you can’t find pure ethanol, you can use a product called Perfumer’s Alcohol. Don’t use rubbing alcohol, as it smells horrible and will ruin your perfume. Also, avoid using vodka, brandy, or cognac as a substitute for ethanol. They don’t have a high enough alcohol content and will cause your perfume to separate. If you cannot obtain suitable alcohol, it would be best to use a carrier oil to dilute the perfume rather than alcohol. Be very careful with any essential oil, especially cinnamon and cassia, and avoid touching your face if you get any on your hands. Let your perfume rest in a cool, dry, dark place for a few days before using it. Use Blessing Perfume to purify and bless a space instead of burning sage or incense by spraying a few sprays into the air. Bless charm bags, talismans, and other ritual items with a few sprays of Blessing Perfume. Wash off your altar and magical tools by either spraying Blessing Perfume on a cloth and then wiping them or adding a few sprays to a cup of water and scrubbing them down, then wiping them dry. Is there any place you’d like to add a blessing to your life? Spray some Blessing Perfume there! I spray the beaters of my vacuum cleaner well with Blessing Perfume before I vacuum the carpets. I add a generous amount of Blessing Perfume to a bucket of wash water before scrubbing the floors of my home or business. I scrub the doorways and doorknobs of any dwelling with Blessing Perfume so that all the energy entering my home or business is blessed and pure. I sometimes use Blessing Perfume as a personal fragrance, especially when I attend any ceremony or ritual that calls for a clear aura and a sanctified mind. You can find so many other ways to use this all-purpose Blessing Perfume. Just use your imagination! This inexpensive formula will help bless and sanctify any object, dwelling, or person. I hope you try making Blessing Perfume and that you find as much magic in it as I have through the years. Until next time, Blessed be. PS: Here is a video example of me making this perfume:

  • Add More Magic To Your Day At Every Meal With Food Consecration!

    In the first lesson of my free Witchcraft Course, In a Witch’s Primer, we learn about the power and practice of consecration. Consecration is a procedure whereby a witch takes something ordinary and makes it sacred. To consecrate means to set apart. When we bless a magical tool, for instance, we set that tool apart from our mundane belongings and reserve it for magical ritual work. A daily type of consecration that we practice in the Craft is called Food Consecration. When we consecrate our food before eating it, we set it apart by blessing it, and then it becomes spiritual food for our auras, along with mundane fuel for our bodies. The benefits of daily food consecration seem infinite to those who practice it. These benefits include a lighter and healthier aura, increased focus, and enhanced relaxation ability. Also, we notice an increased ability to stay at peace in any situation, increased magical power to bring about desired changes in our lives, and so much more. The procedure for consecrating food is quite simple: Sit for a moment with your meal before you relax your body. Emotionally connect your body with the food and mentally give thanks for the sacrament that is about to take place. Be grateful to the Great Spirit for providing the food. Mentally, thank the food itself for being eaten. For just a moment, feel thankful for everything in the whole world. Take a few deep breaths, relax the body, smile, and say, “Blessed Be.” Eat slowly and enjoy. After consecrating your food for a few weeks, you may notice that your ability to stay relaxed has enhanced. You may start having more psychic sensitivity and clairvoyant experiences. As you become accustomed to consecrating your food, you can also include more specific desires in your consecration. For instance, if you are working towards more financial prosperity. You can use this intention in your food consecrations so that as you consume your meals, you also increase the prosperous vibrations within your aura. The simple practice of food consecration requires as little as 30 seconds to complete before eating each meal. The benefits that will accrue over time from this practice far outweigh the small effort required. Give consecrating your food a try. Do it every day for 30 days; then look back over your month and notice how much more magical your life has become. Notice the differences in your overall attitude and peace of mind. Daily consecrating our food is a magical practice that every true magical adept includes in some form.

  • Let Infinite Spirit Handle It

    Does something in your life seem out of control, or too big to manage? Infinite Spirit can handle it for you. No matter if the problem is mental, emotional, financial, relationship, legal, or other Infinite Spirit can handle it for you. Start right now to drop your burden and realize that the most efficient way to be in charge is to let Infinite Spirit handle it for you. Infinite Spirit will reveal the answers and show you any action you need to take, or words you need to say. Begin this moment to release your burdens by allowing these ideas to sink into your deep mind: “There is a presence and power that is more powerful and more intelligent than I am. This power is ready to work through me as I let go of my control." "I know that by myself I can do nothing, but with Infinite Spirit, anything can be done through me." "I am willing to let go and let Infinite Spirit handle it all for me right now.” Divine guidance and assistance are here with you right now and can carry you from where you are and place you into the perfect solution. Allowing Infinite Spirit to handle your problem is not neglecting your responsibilities. Instead, you are courageously facing your challenges armed with the presence and power of the Infinite. Throughout the day, remind yourself repeatedly, “I let go and let Infinite Spirit handle it.” Once you partner with the same force that creates all life, you realize that your problem is divinely outmatched. If any doubt persists, remind yourself frequently, “I let go and let Infinite Spirit handle it.”

  • A Psalm #150 Challenge

    I hope you consider joining me in working Psalm #150 daily for 7 straight days, starting today, September 21. If you start late, don't worry, do it for 7 consecutive days from whatever day you start. It's an exciting practice. Get ready for all kinds of fairy dust, magic smoke, and glitter bombs as all the spells you have worked begin to manifest in the most lovely ways. Join us on our Discord Server to get support, ask questions, and share: Psalm 150 purifies our desires. It ensures that what we are going for is good for us. Working Psalm 150 as a thank you is traditional practice; however, working it before the manifestation of a spell is where the power of this Psalm reveals itself most potently. Praising our desires as being met before their manifestation purifies the energy, so the manifestation is perfect. Witches tend to have plenty of moments in their lives where we, unfortunately, got exactly what we said we wanted, and it's just awful, LOL Working this Psalm before our spell's manifestation assures us of a lovely and perfect working out of our goal or problem. "Aunt Clara" moments are only funny when you watch them on Bewitched. In real life, they are a bummer. Use Psalm 150 directly after you cast your next spell, and you'll always be assured of a perfect manifestation.

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